Speech Therapy specializing in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Giving a voice to those with complex communication needs.

Communication is the key to human interaction and self worth.  


Having  complex communication needs does not mean that you don't have anything to say. 

Keys to Communication, LLC can guide you in providing and implementing new and useful ways to give functional, independent communication to children, teens, and young adults who are unable to consistently use verbal communication.  We also provide support for those involved in the care and social lives of the child to learn how to successfully facilitate meaningful communicative interactions. Providing services to the Portland, OR metro area.



Children should be seen AND heard.  All people, no matter how complex their communication needs have the right to a voice of their own. From no-technology/low-technology to high-technology speech generating devices (SGDs), we strive to create and provide efficient communication systems that can be used in a variety of settings for meaningful and purposeful communication while meeting each individual's personal needs. 


In Portland, OR(greater metro area)